Our Work


The Richmond CCT has created the Richmond Immigrant Settlement Strategy and Implementation Plan based on the research and expertise of table members and wide-scale and inclusive community consultation. Plan development was informed by findings from over 800 surveys, numerous focus groups throughout the city, and interviews with community partners to gain insights and feedback about newcomer needs and the community. The Richmond Immigrant Settlement Strategy and Implementation Plan document can be found here.

CCT Subcommittees for employment, settlement services, community experience, and emerging issues are meeting to implement the Richmond Immigrant Settlement Strategy and Implementation Plan. These subcommittees have been engaged in organizing and partnering on a wide range of events including a newcomers party and job fair, English as additional language courses, and a number of community inclusion/community education workshops. Click here.

Much of the data for the Richmond Immigrant Settlement Strategy and Implementation Plan was collected through the creation of a Community Asset Map of Richmond-based community events. The community identified some of the resources that they access. This was not a full list of programs and activities in the city, just ones that the people who were polled were able to identify. The results of this community-sourced asset map can be found here. The CCT has also engaged in extensive Community Service Mapping (facilitated by SPARC BC) which can be found here.


The CCT is always looking for new partners to work with us to implement the Richmond Immigrant Settlement Strategy and Implementation Plan. Are you a business, a newcomer, or a community organization that is open-minded and willing to be an innovator and adapt to community needs? If so email us  –  info@rmcs.bc.ca to discuss in more detail. We would be delighted to hear from you.