Service Mapping
The Social Planning and Research Council of British Columbia (SPARC BC) conducted additional research on behalf of the Richmond CCT by administering a Service Provider Survey and creating and analyzing the following Service Maps. The purpose of this project is to understand the social infrastructure that is in place for immigrants and refugees living in Richmond and to understand the community and newcomer needs through identification of gaps in service delivery.
Service Map – Recent Immigrant Population
Service Map – Total Immigrant Population
Full Summary Report for Service Mapping – SPARC BC
A total of 59 individuals completed the Richmond Settlement and Integration Services Survey. Survey respondents were affiliated with non-profit organizations, religious and ethnic organizations, local government, school district and post secondary institutions in the City of Richmond. Of those who completed the survey, the largest group of respondents were front-line staff (51.7%), followed by management staff (41.4%) and executive directors (6.9%). The majority of respondents were employed at small- and medium-sized organizations (1 to 50 employees; 75.7%).